Feb, 2022
Spring Registration begins 2/1-2/25/22; watch facebook for more details.
Jul, 2021
Fall season is here! Sign up before July 10th for $20 off! Registration closes on July 24th
Mar, 2021
Edinboro Tournament is back this year! Mark your schedules for June 18-20th!
Feb, 2021
Don't forget to sign your player(s) up before Feb. 25th! New low registration and uniform fees this year! Lets get back on the field! Wahoooo!
Jan, 2021
2021 Spring Soccer Registration begins 2/4 and will be open until 2/25! This year we are doing online registration so you are able to register at your own convenience on your computer or mobile device!
Jan, 2021
Welcome to the new and fresh website! We have posted volunteer opportunities as well as a calendar to keep you all posted on what is going on within the club! Feel free to show yourself around and thank you for stopping by!