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Oil Region Soccer Association

Oil Region Soccer Association


Common Facts and Questions

What Teams will ORSA play against?
PA West Lake District: Clarion River Valley, Greenville, Grove City, ISA Erie, Meadville, Mercer,  Brookville, Shenango Valley, Kinzua

How much does registration cost and where does that money go?
Registration fees are $85 per player, There is also a uniform fee if your player needs a new uniform. The same uniform is able to be used season after season if the uniform still fits. A uniform fee is not mandatory every season. Uniform includes a jersey, shorts and a pair of socks. Other costs include paying referees for each home game(#3), rent for field usage, soccer balls, goals, field lining paint, pinnies, gloves, etc. 

When is the season?
The fall season runs from August to November. The spring season runs from March to June. Typically, during the spring more teams are fielded. 

Where and when are games and practices?
Games are held on Sundays, usually between 1-5pm. Game times are dependent on the availability of referees.  Currently, U13 teams and younger play at Cranberry High School. U15 teams and above play at Franklin High School. Practices are usually held at the field games will be played on, although this is the coaches discretion and is subject to change at any time.  Frequency and time of practices are dependent on the availability of the coaches. 

What type of behavior is expected at practices and games?
It is expected that parents lead the charge in exhibiting good sportsmanship to our children and players. All problems within a game, whether it be the officials, opposing team, or another player, will be handled exclusively by the coaching staff. If sportsmanship is not exhibited by the spectators, the team can be penalized for the behavior. Here are simple guidelines to follow:

1) The "Golden Rule"- Do unto others as you would have other do unto you. Show respect for the players and opposition
2) Understand and appreciate the rules
3) Enjoy yourself and encourage enjoyment for others
4) Take responsibility for your actions
5) Recognize and appreciate good performances, especially by the opponent. Applause for an opponent's good play demonstrates generosity and courtesy.
6) Exhibit respect for officials. Mistakes made by all those involved are a part of the game and must be accepted.
7) Expect proper behavior from your players. If you allow a player to play dangerously, argue, and scream at officials/coaches, you are condoning the behavior. 

How long are games?
U19- Two 45 minute halves
U15- Two 40 minute halves
U13- Two 35 minute halves
U11- Two 30 minute halves
U10- Two 25 minute halves

How many players are on a team and how many will play?
Age Group/Max Roster Size/# Fielded

What equipment does my player need?
Each player will be required to bring shin guards, soccer cleats and water/beverage to each practice and game. It is recommended that each player have their own ball, but if this is not possible, ORSA will provide a ball at practices as needed. If your child does not have shin guards or soccer cleats, they will not be allowed to participate in a game or at practice. This rule is in place for the safety of your child, as well as others participating. Cleats and shin guards will be checked by the referees before the start of each game. Track and football cleats are not permitted to be used as soccer cleats. 
Ball Sizes
U13-19: Size 5 ball
U10-12: Size 4 ball

Does weather affect whether we play?
Practices are scheduled by the coaches and therefore, are cancelled by the coaches. Please check all methods of communication before leaving for practice. We encourage the coaches to cancel practice with as much warning as possible. The only weather that will prevent us from playing is thunder and lightning. Snow and rain are not a reason to not play. 

Is fundraising mandatory?
Fundraising is not mandatory, but in order to keep our fees low, it is greatly appreciated. ORSA is a non profit organization and the only income we receive is from fundraising and donations. If you do not have the time or inclination to participate in fundraising, but would like to simply donate money to the organization, that would be gladly accepted as well. 

What are the fundraising monies spent on?
Funds that are raised by the organization are currently earmarked for training and retention of referees, field acquisition, tournament participation, and training camps. Depending on the amount fundraised, there may be an option to give a portion of the proceeds the player raised, back to the player to use for future registration costs. If this is done, a credit coupon will be made and distributed before the season starts. 

For any questions regarding birth years and which age group your player falls in, please see the PA West Birth Year Matrix:



Oil Region Soccer Association
PO Box 864 
Franklin, Pennsylvania 16323

Email: [email protected]

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